Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Volleyball Jump Training

Volleyball Jump Training

Every volleyball player dreams of being the best spike on the team. Sometimes the problem is that you are too short to be able block the ball or simply a short player has the necessary jump to spike the ball better than you. The reason many people want to be able to jump higher is it will elevate their game to another level. The most important part of volleyball jump training is proper training. If an athlete jumps repeatedly with poor technique, they can seriously injure themselves. Coaches should emphasize the importance of maintaining proper technique at all times. The problem is that I have tried everything and I still can’t improve on my jumping skills. This is the program that you need.

'Getting' Better' - 40 Tips for Better Middle Hitting & Blocking

When doing Volleyball Jump Training, athletes should keep their knees directly in line with their ankles and not allow the knees to bend over further, reaching to where they are in line with the toes. This position puts stress on the knee, an already fragile part of the body. If athletes feel that they cannot get low enough in the sit before the jump, they should either widen their feet or lean further forward, allowing their rear to extend further back, keeping a straight back. Besides keeping their knees in line with the ankles, athletes should ensure that they are pushing off from the whole foot. Doing so ensures that athletes get full power in their jump and are not killing the height of the jump. When jumping, athletes should strive to leave the floor from the middle of the foot or the ball of the foot.

Volleyball Jump Training!

Jumping from the middle of the foot maintains momentum because it allows power to come from the ball of the foot and the heel, which otherwise gets lost. If athletes roll through the foot, leaving from the toes, they lose much of the momentum.

Finally, athletes should land by rolling through the foot. This protects the knees and ensures stability as athletes move from jumping into another activity. The best way to land a jump properly is to allow the foot to hand naturally in the air, with the toes down. This puts the athlete in the proper position to land the jump. But there are two ways that you can your volleyball jump. Once is through strength training and other is through agility training.

Strength Training

How to Jump Higher For Volleyball

Strength training will help you learn how to jump higher for volleyball because your are working to strengthen the specific muscles you will use to spike a ball or blocking. You will have to follow a weight lifting routine that focuses on training the specific muscles involved such as the calf, hamstring, and quadriceps muscle. This work out should be incorporated into a total body work to make you an all around athlete. If you follow your specific routine your muscles are going to get stronger and in turn, help you increase your vertical jump. Your workout might include: squats, dead lifts, calf raises, leg extensions, lunges, and hamstring curls.

Agility Training

The second part of your workout will include agility training. Agility training is essential because it is training your muscles in a more athletic setting. Weight lifting is great but agility training creates more fast-twitch fibers which allow you to jump farther. Agility training exercises include: plyometrics, box jumps, jump rope,and many other exercises.If you want to learn how to jump higher for Volleyball there are many programs available to use. You can find e-books, weight programs, and even strength training devices made specifically to develop your vertical jump.

Beach Volleyball Jump Training

Let’s review some exercises you can do to prepare you for this summer of beach volleyball. The first thing that you need to improve is your jumping. No matter how high you can jump it is always better if you can jump higher. Beach volleyball is getting harder to play for shorter people or for people who can't jump high. So if you want to be a great beach volleyball player you will need to be able to take the Volleyball Jump Training. Not all of us are going to be able to get our armpits over the net to block, but you are the blocker on your team you need to be getting about that high.

Touching 10 feet on a hard court means you are touching about 9 feet when jumping out of sand. So when training for beach volleyball it is always best to do your jump training in the sand. But, for people that live where it gets cold in the winter there are still plenty of exercises to do indoors that will increase your vertical leap. One of the best weighted exercises for jumping are squats. Don't think you can just do tons of squats and that you will be blocking balls with your armpits. Squats alone will really only get your legs stronger but not faster. When you jump you want all of your muscles to fire at the exact same time and to fire with more fibers. So to train those to do that you have to jump. Pick a spot on a wall and jump to touch that spot about 6 to 10 times.

For more information about Beach Volleyball: Beach Volleyball DVD s, Videos & Books

Get plenty of rest in between sets and then do it again. Then move on to a different jumping exercise. You could jump up on high boxes. You want them so high that you wont be able to get 11 reps because you would get too tired. If you're using a box height where you can do 20 reps without a problem in one set then it's too low. We don't want to train our legs to jump for longer periods of time, we want them to jump higher so we have to train them like that. Another good exercise is to get a box (not very tall) and step off of it and as soon as our feet touch the ground jump up as high as you can. The point is to have your feet in contact with the ground for as little of time as possible. This is training your muscles to react quickly.

To learn more on how to gain 10 inches in 12 weeks : Volleyball Jump Training!

1 comment:

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